Senin, 10 November 2014

Job Description GRO Hotel

Job Description
A hotel guest relations officer (GRO) is at the forefront of customer service. He or she is one of the first hotel workers to greet guests as they arrive. The GRO provides hotel guests with above-and-beyond service to ensure their experience will be worth remembering. The position ensures that guests are happy from the moment they step into the hotel until they leave. Sometimes, he or she continues to provide superior customer service after the guests are long gone.
Duties and Responsibilities
A guest relations officer gives each guest a personal recognition. This could be in a form of memorizing names of the customers or addressing them with the correct salutations, such as "Miss", "Sir", "Ma'am" or "Senator." Although a GRO would not be able to memorize the names of all the hotel guests at a given time, he should remember a hotel guest's name after two transactions.   A GRO meets and greets arriving guests and bids them farewell as they leave. He reviews the arrival list daily and assists in preparing and distributing welcome amenities. GROs escort VIPs to their rooms and check them in before their arrival.   A GRO attends promptly to customers' inquiries and assists them with their needs. When it comes to complaints, he allows guests to speak first and then provides solutions to their issues or concerns. He logs the day's activities in a logbook to ensure that the next person on duty is familiar with everything that needs extra attention.   A guest relations officer should always be present in the hotel lobby and should maintain proper decorum at all times. He should respond quickly to calls in case he is not at his post. He also promotes all the facilities of the hotel and knows the surrounding areas when asked for directions. A GRO should also be familiar with the best places to tour, shop and dine.
The guest relations officer should always be neat in appearance. The person should always wear a complete uniform within the standards set forth by the hotel management. He or she should show his identification tag so that guests know his name. Hair should be neat and should have a color that is within guidelines, which means no unnatural hair colors.   A female GRO should wear makeup that is not overbearing, keeping the look simple, professional and natural. She should make sure her fingernails are clean with no visible tattoos and no earrings on parts of the face other than the ears. She should wear only a pair of stud earrings on her earlobes (men should not wear earrings at all).  A GRO should not only look clean but also smell pleasant. Since most of the time the GRO will be conversing with guests, it is important that her breath smells fresh; however, chewing gum is not permissible at work.
Aside from the job satisfaction of seeing that guests are happy with the services that they provide, GROs also enjoy the amenities of working for hotels. Hotel employees and their families get discounted rates at every location they serve. Some hotels offer employee discounts when dining at hotel restaurants or while utilizing in-room dining services. Depending on their employers, they may also get retirement benefits in the form of 401K, pension plan or stock options. Full-time employees also get health and medical benefits. According to, as of 2009, the average annual income of a hotel guest relations officer was $49,000.
A guest relations officer can apply for promotion within the company. For example, he or she can apply for a supervisory or management position. A GRO can become a guest relations supervisor/manger, front desk supervisor/manager and may become a duty manager or hotel manager given enough experience, additional training and experience. To help gain a management position within the company, a GRO should pursue higher education; aside from a four-year college degree, he should also complete a master's degree. A good foundation would be a Bachelor of Science in Tourism or any business course, and then Master's in Business Administration.

Sales And Marketing

Identitas Jabatan
Nama Jabatan : Sales & Marketing Manager
Departemen : Sales & Marketing
Atasan langsung : Sales & Marketing Director
Bawahan langsung : S & M Supervisor(s)

Tujuan Jabatan
Merencanakan, mengontrol dan mengkoordinir proses penjualan dan pemasaran bersama S & M Supervisor(s) untuk mencapai target penjualan dan mengembangkan pasar secara efektif dan efisien.

Tanggung Jawab Utama
Skala Waktu H/M/B/T
Menentukan harga jual, produk yang akan dilaunching, jadwal kunjungan serta system promosi untuk memastikan tercapainya target penjualan
Memonitor perolehan order serta merangkumkan forecast untuk memastikan kapasitas produksi terisi secara optimal
Memonitor jumlah stock seluruh Dept. Sales & Marketing untuk memastikan umur stock perusahaan tidak melebihi target yang telah ditentukan.
Menganalisa dan mengembangkan strategi marketing untuk meningkatkan jumlah pelanggan dan area sesuai dg target yang ditentukan
Menganalisa dan memberikan arah pengembangan design & warna, untuk memastikan pengembangan produk sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasar
Melakukan evaluasi kepuasan pelanggan dari hasil survey seluruh sales team untuk memastikan tercapainya target kepuasan pelanggan yang ditentukan
Menerapkan budaya, sistem, dan peraturan intern perusahaan serta menerapkan manajemen biaya, untuk memastikan budaya perusahaan dan sistem serta peraturan dijalankan dengan optimal.
H : Harian, M : Mingguan, B : Bulanan, T : Tahunan

Laporan data dan informasi kondisi pasar di cabang
Program kerja penjualan
Pencapaian penjualan
Laporan evaluasi penjualan
Laporan penjualan cabang
Tertib administrasi
Tingkat kepuasan konsumen
Keberhasilan program promosi

Target Penjualan
Non Keuangan
    Target unit penjualan
Jumlah pelanggan
Jumlah tenaga penjualan

Tipe tipe kamar di hotel

How to hotel receptionist

As a hotel receptionist you will need to have:
  • excellent written and spoken communication skills
  • strong customer service skills
  • a friendly and professional telephone manner
  • the ability to adapt to different guests
  • patience and tact
  • the ability to stay calm under pressure and look after several things at once
  • good problem solving skills
  • the ability to use computerised technology
  • a methodical approach to your work
  • accuracy and attention to detail.

Hotels Department

1.      Marketing Departemen (Departemen Pemasaran)
Tugasnya adalah : Memasarkan beberapa hotel ke pasaran luas sesuai kebutuhannya.
2.      Front Office Departemen (Departemen Kantor Depan)
Tugasnya adalah : Menjual kamar yang memenuhi syarat dan siap untuk dihuni oleh tamu hotel.
3.      Housekeeping Departemen (Departemen tata graham)
Tugasnya adalah : Menyediakan sebuah kamar yang bersih dan siap dihuni oleh tamu hotel.
4.      Laundry Departemen (Departemen Binatu)
Tugasnya adalah : Membantu departemen Housekeeping dalam menyediakan kebutuhan Linen (Handuk, Seprai, Selimut) untuk kamar hotel dan seragam karyawan.
5. Enggineering & Maintenance Departemen (Departemen Pengoperasian dan Perbaikan)
Tugasnya adalah : Mengoperasikan, merawat, dan memperbaiki semua peralatan dalam hotel.
6.       Food & Beverage Departemen (Departemen makanan dan minuman)
Tugasnya adalah : Menyiapkan makanan dan minuman di dalam hotel.
7.       Finance Departemen (Departemen Keuangan)
Tugasnya adalah : Mengelola keuangan baik pemasukan maupun pengeluaran hotel.
8.       Personnel Departemen (Departemen Personalia)
Tugasnya adalah : Mengurusi seluruh adsministrasi  karyawan hotel.
9.       Training Departemen (Departemen Pelatihan)
Tugasnya adalah : Memberikan berbagai latihan bagi karyawan hotel baik yang baru maupun yang lama.
10.    Security Departemen (Departemen Keamanan)
        Tugasnya adalah : Menjaga dan mengatur sistem keamanan hotel.